We are happy to announce that 2025 OMS Spring meeting will be hold on Friday, April 18th, 2025 at the University of Oklahoma Forum building. Our spring meeting is the largest gathering of microscopy professionals from both academic and industry in Oklahoma. Please mark your calendar. We look forward to meeting all of you April!

Theme and Keynote
The meeting theme is “Advances in Oklahoma Microscopy”
We will feature programming and tours related to Oklahoma’s first dedicated cryo-TEM and first aberration-corrected TEM.
Our Keynote speaker is Dr. Peter Ercius, Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Interim Facility Director at the National Center for Electron Microscopy
Many thanks to our Sponsors, who make this meeting possible: JEOL USA, Nikon Instruments, Oxford Instruments, and Tescan!
Microscopy Society of America (MSA) Grant-In-Aid and Tour Speaker programs provide critical support. OMS is a ‘local affiliate society’ of MSA.
Meeting registration
Registration fees include continental breakfast and lunch. There are no additional fees for abstract submission.
- Student registration: FREE!
- Corporate member registration: $300.00
- Standard member registration: $15.00
- Corporate non-member registration: $500.00
- Standard non-member registration: $30.00
Please register for the meeting to allow us to plan the needed amount of food etc. Thank you!
Opportunities for students
The meeting is a great opportunity to network with other students and professionals from Oklahoma who use microscopy as part of their work. Ways students can participate, in addition to attending the meeting:
- Submit an abstract to enter the Timpano Award contest or present a poster. Students competing for the Timpano will present a 15 minute talk. The winner will receive funding to send them to the national Microscopy Society of America annual meeting. There is also a cash prize for second place. There are also cash prizes for student poster awards!
link to submit abstract - Submit an image to the Best Micrograph contest
link to instructions
Preliminary program
Program coming soon!
Upcoming deadlines
Apr 14
Apr 7
Corporate Sponsorship deadline